If you wanna know what will be going on around the Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day 2023 then you’re right here 😀
ASVD Opening Event – Interview
with ASVD & Aspec*German
Official ASVD opening event. DasTenna from InSpektren and Johanna from Aspec*German are interviewing Finn and Delfin from the ASVD-Team. They ask questions like “Why an Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day?”, “Why in august?”, “Do you think it will really become an international day?” or “Are there events outside the Aspec*German-Discordserver too, that you know of?” and more.
The interviews language: german
Follow this link to the mp3 audio file: ASVD Opening Event | MP3
InSpekren Episode 53 – A*spec-Repräsentation: Red, White and Green [Kurzgeschichte]

Title: Red, White and Green
Representation: alloaro, lesbian
What: Short Story
Series: An Aspec for All Seasons
Author: Katie Fouks
CNs: Sex, Corona | Short story: Sex (explicit), Corona (policies)
Language: english
Link: https://katiefouks.wordpress.com/books/
Episodes language: german
For the first Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day (ASVD), Delfin and Finn live tested a new Podcast series: A*spec-Representation. In this series they want to look at ace, aro, apl and other a*spec-representation in media, like books, movies, comics, PC-games and others.
In this episode Delfin and Finn talk about the short story “Red, White and Green” by Katie Fouks which has alloaro and lesbian representation.
We’re in the olympic village and meet Rhea and Jaedyn. Rhea wears the colours green, light green, white, yellow and orange just as proud as red, white and blue. This makes for weird interview experiences. What this sparks and that alloaros can like sex is something we’ll discover in this short story.
Is it positive representation? Would we recomment it? – Find out! 🙂
Follow this link to the InSpektren-Website and the episode: https://inspektren.eu/53-aspec-repraesentation-red-white-and-green-kurzgeschichte
ASVD Quiz Night
with ASVD & AktivAro
Cozy quiz night about aromanticism on the Aspec*German-Discordserver with Frederik from the ASVD-Team and Delfin from AktivAro.

Carnival of Aros
In august “Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day (ASVD) 2023” was the Carnival of Aros topic.
Sara Jakša only learned about Sara being aromantic withing the last year. In Saras submission the joy about having this day is talked about, but also that Sara would’ve nearly missed it and about something positive, that people can learn of the aromantic community.
Askanaroace answers in a short tumblr-post to the prompt “What gives you pride about being aromantic that you want others to know?”.
Follow for the roundup: https://carnivalofaros.wordpress.com/2023/09/02/august-2023-roundup-aromantic-spectrum-visibility-day-asvd-2023/
#MyArospecMoment #MyAroMoment #MeinArospecMoment #MeinAroMoment
Zoe Stoller (they/them/she/he)
The Instagram posts description:
Do you relate to any of these aromantic sub-identities?
If you’re not familiar with the term, the word aromantic refers to a spectrum of identities where people have little-to-no romantic attraction, don’t experience it in “typical” ways, or only experience it in specific circumstances.
Aromantic can be an umbrella term containing other labels within this spectrum, as well as an independent label that people use. Aromantic people might identify with multiple identities on this spectrum, as well as with other LGBTQ+ labels, including both sexuality and gender identities.
And today — August 25th — is #AromanticSpectrumVisibilityDay, so it’s a great day to highlight and celebrate some aromantic experiences!
There are SO many aromantic sub-identities, which is awesome because it allows people to articulate the nuances of their identity and feel represented within language.
Here are a few that you might resonate with
- Demiromantic — someone who only experiences romantic attraction for a person after forming a close emotional bond with them
- Cupioromantic — someone who does not typically experience romantic attraction but who still desires and/or enjoys romance and romantic relationships
- Arospike — someone who doesn’t usually experience romantic attraction but occasionally does experience it in sudden spikes
- Grayromantic — someone whose identity falls in the gray areas between the aromantic and alloromantic spectrums
To learn about more aromantic identities, check out the Aromantic Dictionary series on my page @zoestoller (and stay tuned for another installment coming soon 🥳)!
💬 Do you connect to the label aromantic or any of its sub-labels? How would you describe your experiences of romantic attraction? 💬
Also, the background photos were taken during my recent trip to Portugal! There were so, so many beautiful sights 🥰 I love looking back!
#myaromoment #myarospecmoment #zoestoller #aromanticspectrum
Sophie (dey/sie)
#MyArospecMoment was when I talked with my allo friends about past partnerships and realised, that I perceive romantic relationships very differently and understood flirting as well as pick-up lines just as lame jokes until then. I felt incredibly bad afterwards and thought I was damaged. After some long research and a lot of conversations with others I outed myself as demiromantic asexual and am today very thankful for being exactly who I am
#MyArospecMoment was after breaking up with my ex friend after a 6 year relationship. I had a feeling that all my love was used up and feared I could only fall in love once and that I used that one possibility, because I found other people to be attractive or fascinating, and could potentially picture myself in a relationship with them, but I couldn’t really fall in love with them. After some extended research and lots of conversing with others I outet myself a demiromantic asexual and today am very thankful for being exactly who I am
Orca (aka Delfin)
#MeinArospecMoment or rather ours [@ anonymous] The fortune god*esses seemed to know yesterday’s been ASVD and giftet us with a small bag of fitting content.

A try at interpreting: the frog stands tall against amatonormativity and lets it ricochet from the tiny dandelion hat. The dice represent the cliché that aros love rpgs and the magnitude of possible label combinations and realities of life. The Kiwi stands for the aro*spec community unconditionally welcoming the kiwi-cocktails (aka questioning people).

Now that he had his appearance, here’s the Aro frog. When I invent an “aromantic dart-poison frog” in order to procrastinate preparing a talk later on the same evening … and then end up incorporating it into the semi-improvised talk. :’)
#meinarospecmoment #myarospecmoment
#meinaromoment #myaromoment

🎉 Happy Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day!🎉
Fröhlichen Tag des aromantischen Spektrums!
Gelukkige aromantische spectrum zichtbaarheidsdag!
Bonne journée de visibilité du spectre aromantique!
Buon giorno della visiblità del aromanticismo!
З днем видимості аромантичного спектру!
Hyvää epäromanttisen kirjon näkyvyyden päivää!
More languages will follow next year. Feel free to help us with this.😊💚
Thanks to the cool people who helped us translate this to a few languages last minute✨
(If there are errors in our translations please let us know)
More sharepics can be found here: https://aromanticspectrumday.net/en/ressources/content-by-about-the-aromantic-spectrum-visibility-day/

Today we wanna flood the internet with aro*spec vibes!
🐸 🌻 🦝 🍐 💚 🍍
Or at least as much as possible.😄
Whatever you can think of, something creative, a situation or other things – if it’s an aro*spec moment for you, we wann hear about it. (If you’re willing to share that is)
Use #myarospecmoment (and/or #myaromoment #meinarospecmoment #meinaromoment) and tag us @aromanticspectrumvisibilityday 🐸
As inspiration we’ve looked at the @aktiv_aro website aromantik.de, which is a website with german infos and stories around aromanticism.
The sketch in the upper left is part of a mini comic created during #asaw #aromanticspectrumawarenessweek. The promt was “Gryphons”. For @delfi___art this is an arospec moment cause it came to live solely through the prompt and hey, gryphons are a cool aro symbol. The poem on the right came to life as a reaction to @finn.between @fins_wordstorm an environment where an affectionateness-escalator (analog to relationship escalator) was omnipresent. It’s an arospec moment to Finn, cause this was when they felt repulsion about an act they made for the first time.
If you wann see the complete comic, read to whole poem and take a look at other cool stuff too, head over to aromantik.de
So if you want, share your moments with us.😊
Picnic in Prater with AceAroWien (offline)

After celebrating ASVD on August 25th a nice sunday picnic sounds like just the right way to end the weekend? And you just happen to be in austria?
Purrrfect! @acearowien want to savour the summer and celebrate ASVD with a picnic on Sunday 27th starting at 2 pm at the Prater in Wien.🧺🍽
They’ll be spreading their picnic blankets near tram stop “Prater, Hauptallee” (Lini 1). You’ll find the exact position on sunday on their instagram and twitter. You can bring snacks, drinks and picnic blankets.
Important note: This will take place no matter the weather. If neccessary it will be moved to a café. AceAroWien will let you now in that case.
The ASVD-Team wishes you all a nice picnic with sunny weather!😊💚
(Illustration by @captain_bonnet)
Programm auf Aspec*German (Discord)
![Sharepic with a globe in the colors of the aromantic flag in the background. There is also an arrowhead in the same colors in front of it. In the top left corner a green frog can be seen stretching their head above the semi transparent white layer. With their tongue their holding a sign saying „AGENDA“. Text: Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day aromanticspectrumday.net August 25th on Aspec*German 5 pm | Opening Event with ASVD & Aspec*German 6 pm | Aro*spec Representation: Red, White and Green [Short Story] with InSpektren 8 pm | Good living as a marginal case with ASVD & Aro*spec Community 10 pm | Quiznight with ASVD & AktivAro 11 pm | Chill Out with ASVD August 25th on Aspec*German is written in aro flag colored writing.](http://aromanticspectrumday.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ASVD_Agenda_eng-1024x1024.jpg)
We’ve talked about how we’re planning events for friday but that could mean anything really. So now, here are our events on the Aspec*German discord server🎉
These will be in german. Infos about accessibility can be found on the server.
We’re thrilled to announce that @aspec_german, @inspektren_podcast, @aktiv_aro and people from the community will be part of this very first Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day on August 25th.🤩✨
Some more events on other platforms and offline will be shared later.😊

Ever wanted to ask our team a question? Wondered about something and wished you could just ask?
Well this is you chance!
Tomorrow at 5 pm we’ll officially open the Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day with some infos and teammembers answering questions.
![Sharepic with a globe in the colors of the aromantic flag in the background. There is also an arrowhead in the same colors in front of it. In the top left corner a green frog can be seen stretching their head above the semi transparent white layer. With their tongue their holding a sign saying „18:00 o’clock“. Right beside it is the InSpektren Logo. Text: Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day August 25th on the Aspec*German-Discordserver Aro*spec Representation: Red, White and Green [in alloaro flag colours] InSpektren takes a look at the short story „Red, White and Green“ with alloaro and lesbian protagonists by Katie Fouks. - Is it positive representation? - Would you recommend it to others? Find out! :) CNs: Sex, Corona aromanticspectrumday.net](https://aromanticspectrumday.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ASVD_AroRep_1_eng-1024x1024.jpg)
![corner a sign in the alloaro flags colours can be seen. It reads „ASVD & InSpektren recommend“. Right beside it is the InSpektren Logo. In the top right corner is a sketch of a frog in the alloaro flags colours. Text: Aro*spec Representation: Red, White and Green [in alloaro flag colours] by Katie Fouks We’re in the olympic village, where we meet Rhea and Jaedyn. Rhea wears the colours green, light green, white, yellow and orange just as proudly as red, white and blue. This earns her strange interview experiences. In this short story we’ll learn what that does to her and that alloaros can like sex. Representation: alloaro, lesbian aromanticspectrumday.net](https://aromanticspectrumday.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ASVD_AroRep_2_eng-1024x1024.jpg)
![Sharepic with a globe in the colors of the aromantic flag in the background. There is also an arrowhead in the same colors in front of it. In the top left corner a sign in the alloaro flags colours can be seen. It reads „ASVD & InSpektren recommend“. Right beside it is the InSpektren Logo. In the top right corner is a sketch of a frog in the alloaro flags colours. Text: Aro*spec Representation: Red, White and Green [in alloaro flag colours] by Katie Fouks What: Short Story (~3700 Words/~14 Pages) Title: Red, White and Green] Series: An Aspec for All Seasons 8, standalone Author: Katie Fouks Publication date: 07 August 2021 Language: english Representation: alloaro, lesbian CNs: Sex (explicit), Corona (policies) aromanticspectrumday.net](https://aromanticspectrumday.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ASVD_AroRep_3_eng-1024x1024.jpg)
Friday at 6 pm InSpektren will take us with them to try a new format talking about Aspec Representation, here specifically Arospec Represenation. They’ll be talking about and analysing the short Story “Red, White and Green” by Katie Fouks.
If you wanna know what they think about it, join us on the Aspec*German Discord!

“Living as a marginal case”? What’s that even supposed to mean? Is it meant to implicate something? Is the title meant to be sarcastic?
Well, if you want to know, come by on friday at 8 pm.😏😉😁
There’ll be different arospec people discussing this.💚

Cosy quiznight around the topic aromanticism.🐸
What could be cooler? /rh
– Right, nothing.😄
So see you at 10 pm, if you want. We’re looking forward to meet you no matter if you’ll be guessing with us or “just” listen.

After all these cool events still in for a bit of talking, drinking Aro-Tea (well, it’s actually just green tea, but still) and end the Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day together?🍵💫
Then come around at 11 pm. You’ll find us in a voice chat on Aspec*German.🐸